A white-knuckle ride of open COVID drug discovery

Frank von Delft, Mark Calmiano, John Chodera, Ed Griffen, Alpha Lee, Nir London, Tatiana Matviuk, Ben Perry, Matt Robinson, and Annette von Delft.
Nature 594:330, 2021.

The COVID Moonshot is an open science effort to discover a direct-acting SARS-CoV-2 oral antiviral. Here, we share lessons from this effort, including the missed opportunity to develop a phase 2 ready drug more than a decade ago that could have halted the COVID-19 pandemic in its tracks.

Crowdsourcing drug discovery for pandemics

John D. Chodera, Alpha A. Lee, Nir London, and Frank von Delft.
Nature Chemistry 12:581, 2020
[DOI] [PDF] [COVID Moonshot] [GoFundMe]

The COVID-19 pandemic has left the world scrambling to find effective therapies to stem the tidal wave of death and put an end to the worldwide disruption caused by SARS-CoV-2. In this Correspondence, we argue for the need for a new open, collaborative drug discovery model (exemplified by our COVID Moonshot collaboration) that breaks free of the limitations of industry-led competitive drug discovery efforts that necessarily restrict information flow and hinder rapid progress by prioritizing profits and patent protection over human lives.